Charmaine Clancy ~ Author Interview

News Flash ~ You've got just two more days before the international release of Charmaine Clancy's  newest book  My Zombie Dog.

Zombie Dog promises gore, humour and insanity on a canine level and is aimed at our sometimes gory, often silly and verging on insane, tween market. But before sales go crazy on the 1st of March, I managed to pull Charmaine aside to a quite corner of the cemetery and find out a bit more about this exciting new Queensland kids author. Here's what I discovered:

10 Things you didn't know about Charmaine Clancy and Zombies

1. This is your debut release. How long have you been writing for?
Tried and failed to write novels many times in my youth. What I didn't know then is imagination is not enough, I needed to LEARN the right skills. About 4 years ago, at Uni, I came across a classmates blog; Amy from Ink-Fever. Amy was making her writing a priority. This motivated me to get stuck in and see a novel through to the end.

 2. Why did you decide to self publish in the eBook format for your first title?
I have a marketing background, and was really curious about the process. My motto has always been 'How hard can it be?' I would now say...pretty hard, but definitely rewarding. I'm as proud of the formatting and cover design I produced as I am of writing the novel. The publishing world fascinates me. If you've patience and are keen, then you can do it.

3. Have you always had a fetish for Zombies and dogs?
Dogs yes. ALWAYS. I'd pour over books of dog breeds as a kid. Every novel I've written has a dog in it. But, Zombies? No way. Confession: They were the only horror monster that frightened me. As a kid my parents went to the drive-in to watch a zombie flick with me in the back asleep, but I awoke just in time to see the flesh-eating Zombies give me the jeebies.

4. What inspired you to write My Zombie Dog?
My zombie dog. No, really. We had a little dog that was totally psycho. We tried training, medication, natural therapies. The dog would get into all and out brawls with bigger dogs and several times would fall down 'dead' during an attack. A couple of times I was sure it was, and even covered it once with a towel. Five minutes later it hopped up and was fine. Zombie dog is based on that dog, even the wheezing...and it's name? Fossil, just like Zombie Dog. Fossil now lives with my mum and enjoys terrorising her neighbours.
5. Do you know any real life Zombies?
Well, I once worked in the public service...

 6. What is your favourite breed of cat?
Devon Rex. We have one and she's a funny little thing, and weird enough looking to fit right in with our family.

7. As a child, where did you spend the most time reading?
In scary woods, castles, haunted houses, and elegant steam-trains. Of course all this was while staying on my Hollie-hobby covered bed.

8. How do you think Zombies rate against Vampires?
I'm much more frightened of Zombies. I figure the worst a vampire can do is turn me into some hot chick who parties all night, but zombies are all pus and scabs - I'm just scared they'll TOUCH me.

9. What did your mother put into your school lunch box that used to make you cringe?
Her food. I'd hide left-overs (there was a good reason they were left) in my locker and after a while, create zombie meals.

10. If you had to choose between Zombie gloopy green and sunflower yellow, which colour would you choose and why?
Gloopy green. Yellow's just too darn chirpy for my liking.

 Thanks Charmaine. It's pleasing to know that you have found solutions for at least two of your past problems: your Mum's food and your crazy canine. Hope neither of them read this post and turn me into a zombie.

To purchase Charmaine's new book and be part of the My Zombie Dog and Kindle give away Competition visit her blog.


Dee White said…
Thanks Dimity and Charmaine,

I enjoyed this interview. Good luck with the new release, Charmaine.
Anonymous said…
A great interview.
Good luck with the release Charmaine.
It will be your turn one day soon Dim!
Angela Sunde. said…
Congratulations, Charmaine. Your story sounds fresh and funny. I can see tweens loving this one.
DimbutNice said…
You're welcome Dee. It was meant to be and was fun. Charmaine is an author of determination and guts, which thankfully her encounters with zombies have not been able to destroy.
DimbutNice said…
Thanks x 2 JR. I'd love that but meanwhile take great pleasure basking in the glory of others :-)
DimbutNice said…
Hi Angela. Thanks for popping in. I can't wait to see how the kids react to this one.
Thanks so much for hosting this interview (my first one!) Dim.

And make sure you get your entry in now for the Kindle giveaway!
DimbutNice said…
Pleasure Charmaine. First of many for you I'm sure.
Unknown said…
Hi Dimity and Charmaine,
Thanks for posting such a great interview. Charmaine, your humorous answers had me cracking up.

Congratulations, I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to have my very own zombie dog- hang on, I think I've already got one of those. It's called a Shih tzu Maltese.

I'd love to find out more about your self publishing process!
DimbutNice said…
They did me also Renee, especially number 6. A Devon Rex...I mean really...seems so unlikely for a dog person ;-)
R xx said…
Enjoyed reading your interview Dim - I reckon I'm brave enough to check out My Zombie Dog. Good luck with your book release Charmaine
DimbutNice said…
Hey Rhana, thanks for popping by! And welcome to our world of words and witticisms. You should get this book. Exactly the right age for your girls.
Karen Tyrrell said…
WOOHOO! Congrats Charmaine for the launch of your new book. Kids will LOVE this!
Congrats too, to Dimity loved the interview questions :)
DimbutNice said…
Thanks Karen. Charmaine was a hoot to interview. Her answers had me laughing out loud. Humour just makes my day. And the tale is terrific too.

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