Ready, Steady, WRITE - opportunities and comps for kids
Nearly every time I brush shoulders with my target audience - children, I am asked, 'What now? How can I learn to edit better? Where can I submit my work? Where can I get more information?' Here is a post by fellow scribe for young people, Chris Bell . Her From Hook to Book site also includes a really comprehensive page of resources especially sourced for young people, YWR . It highlights writing competitions, noting those which are currently open along with other websites and links where budding young writers can find information on everything from punctuation to polishing stories until they blind you with their brilliance. Some can be found on my Kool Kidz Stuff page, many more are worth noting because most comps and conference are run annually giving you plenty of time and opportunity to practise, practise, practise. Chris writes... Calling all young writers, playwrights and poets! While I’ve been gallivanting around the UK, these past few weeks, heaps of regu...