
Showing posts from July 25, 2011

Book Week Bravado

I have recently been invited to participate in and conduct a number of creative writing workshops at our local primary school as part of this year's Book Week . The aim being to promote and foster the fun and worthiness of literature within a child's world. Running from the 22nd to the 26th of August , it promises to be a packed, productive and I wonder, if not slightly punishing week. Of course I'm looking forward to engaging the creative minds and spirits of every child from Prep to Year 7 with a stomach turning mixture of sheer excitement and trepidation. After all how many similar workshops have I attended thus feeling well confident with my content and subject matter? After all how much passion do I possess about the subject matter? After all how difficult can it be to persuade kids to feel the passion too? After all they're kids...They're kids. And there in lies the rub. They're kids; possibly the world's most difficult group to publicly address. ...