Review: A Gentleman in Moscow
I don’t normally share adult fiction here but this recently read novel is pure magnificence and deserves attention. I value stories that illuminate the dingier parts of history, especially histories that are not that old, like this one. Teens should therefore fin d A Gentleman in Moscow particularly fascinating. A Gentleman in Moscow is a story of grand proportions, immense character and infinite humor. And like all stories of colossal significance, those most successful and long remembered, it is utterly transformative. Therein lies the poetic essence of this tale; it’s essentially about the multitude of ways we are transformed by life as it itself yields to constant change. Count Alexander Rostov's life is one of continual transformation despite the fact that his current habitat confined within the walls of the Hotel Metropol under house arrest remains static. The Count is a gentleman of former prestige and aristocratic bearing whose main occupation of the bourgeois is as obse...