Delving Deeper into the Art of Story Telling - AFCC Sessions Part 3
My conference triage is reasonably simple: if I manage to glean a new sliver of information that enables me to improve my craft or happen upon a revelation that deepens my understanding of story telling or experience affirmation of a belief or method I am already practising, then I feel I have gained something useful. The following round-up highlights some of the sessions I attended while swanning around the Asian Festival of Children's Content this year. Deep Point of View (DPOV): What is it and How to Write It with Kathleen Ahrens Kathleen encouraged us to first re investigate our Intention - why we write. Knowing that then allows us to engage with the readers' emotions and therefore establish, DPOV. She introduced us to different POV Characters and the tenses and view points they can be portrayed in for example, first person, third person, second person etc. as narrator omniscient multiple viewpoints single major viewpoint Deep Point o...