Come on In

Okay, so seeing swans is one serendipitous side effect of an unplanned early morning walk. I've been waiting patiently for Opportunity to approach again. Waiting for it to hammer repeatedly on my door with unsolicited offers of publication. Alas, no bang the door down deals yet but it has been tapping away. And I decided to let it in...

I've been invited by teacher-librarian and food reviewer Marj Osborne to speak alongside esteemed children's author illustrator Narelle Oliver at Aquinas College on the Gold Coast next month.

Like anyone opening their door to an unannounced visitor offering news too good to be true, I immediately wondered, have they got the right person? Is this for real? Apparently, Marj has and it is.

My tummy is a blender full of emotions. Excitement is whizzing around a million miles an hours with trepidation. I confess, this cocktail has set my nerves slightly ajar. I can't remember the last time I spoke to an audience of human beings over the age of 12, who were not my mates or my peers. But who am I to deny Opportunity, because this is exactly what this invitation is: another fantastic opportunity to live, breathe and share what I profess to love. But love does not come easily nor without a price. Mine is preparation and confidence.

So, in the words of Ernest Hemingway ~ 'There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed'. Excuse me please, I have some bleeding to do...


That's awesome news Dim!
You'll be great, you've got the bubbly personality to pull it off - let us know what you're going to talk about!
Karen Tyrrell said…
Congrats Dimity! Fabulous News!
I wish you all the best with your talk.
I want all the goss AND pics ...lots of pics.
Dimity said…
Thanks girls.
Karen I hope I have the capacity to remember to take pics on the day.
Charmaine, may require bubbles of another nature to get me through it. The short talk topic is Getting Kids to Write. I think it's an interesting notion. Will keep you posted...;-)
Sheryl Gwyther said…
Congratulations, Dimity. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun! :)
Dimity said…
Thanks for popping by Sheryl. I appreciate your confidence in me. But agree...number one aim is to have fun. Rest will follow...

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