Celebrate Learning

In case you didn't know State Education Week 2012 is currently in full swing. It's a week where State Schools across Queensland celebrate not only the achievements of students within these schools but also their teachers.

Among the multitude of planned activities, Principal for a Day, My Favourite Teacher awards, morning teas, parades and community sharing sessions are all being celebrated, giving the entire extended school community the opportunity to celebrate the joys and rewards of teaching and learning.

I was lucky enough to be invited to participate in a thoroughly enjoyable morning of reading and presenting alongside fellow guest authors, Renee Taprell and Candice Lemon-Scott at the Helensvale State School.

Dimity working with Monty the Monster

Candice and her Ferret

Renee sharing a picture book

Both of these ladies are no strangers to children's literature; Renee being a keen picture book writer and Candice a published author of several titles including the humorous Aussie Chomps junior novel, Stinky Ferret and the JJs. The Helensvale Grade 3s and 4s absorbed every word of our various readings from novels, magazine short stories and picture books. But it was the interactive story telling with Monty the Monster which caused the must oohs, ahhs and Ohs.

Local MP Michael Crandon was also on hand, presenting one of my favourite picture book stories, Clancy the Courageous Cow by Lachie Hume to a captivated audience.

Michael Crandon reading Clancy the Courageous Cow
Other presenters included indigenous story teller Graham Dillon and school principal Coralee Pratt.

Readers: Authors Candice, Renee, Dimity and Michael, Principa Pratt and Graham Dillon
Time well spent because I never need an excuse to be able to share a book with kids.


Looks like you had a blast!
DimbutNice said…
Who knew working with a blue monster and an MP could be equally as entertaining?

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