Dim's Sleigh Ride Begins!

Dashing through the space
of the cyber hemisphere,
you'll learn a bit about me,
that'll bring you close to tears (of laughter?)

Join me on this tour
of some awesome bloggers' sites.
It's going to be a blogging tour
that'll fill you with delight.


Check out the amazing sleigh-load of bloggers and reviewers participating on what promises to be a spectacular ride with me.
Tune in each day, leave a comment or two and don't forget to enter the
PS Who Stole Santa's Mail?
in time for Christmas.
It's easy. Just answer the question: What do you think Santa wants for Christmas?
Details of how to enter on each blog tour post. Competition closes midnight 30th November 2012.

17 November Kids Book Review

18 November My Little Bookcase

19 November Sheryl Gywther

20 November Morris Publishing Australia

21 November Kat Apel

22 November  Elaine Ousten

23 November Renee Taprell

24 November Alison Reynolds

25 November Buzz Words

26 November Chris Bell
27 November Dee White

28 November Pass It On

29 November Alphabet Soup
30 November Angela Sunde

Can't wait to see you as we fly on by...


Tania McCartney said…
Wow - what a tour! Santa's got a busy few weeks ahead + so have you!! x
DimbutNice said…
Hasn't he just?? He's made of pretty tuff stuff though I hear ;-)
Michele Berry said…
Hi Dimity, Are you coming down to Melbourne at all on your Tour?
If so When & Where?
Cheers and Gooid luck,
Michele Berry
DimbutNice said…
Hi Michele, thanks for dropping by. Sadly Santa and I can't fit in a Melb book launch before Christmas but never say never.
If that ever eventuates, you'll be sure to know. Meanwhile, tour with me on cyber space.
Cheers Dimity x
Looking forward to you stopping by in your virtual sleigh, Dimity. (By the way, our blog address should be http://soupblog.wordpress.com - you have the website listed instead!)
- Rebecca :-)
DimbutNice said…
D'oh. Stand by Santa. I'll get that sleigh back up and running shortly Rebecca ;-)
Karen Tyrrell said…
Congrats Dimity.
What a fabulous tour!
Can't wait to read your book.
Loved your snappy little Chrissy song and Blog ... Karen :)
DimbutNice said…
LOL Karen. Cheers. You win the prize - first one to put lame attempt at verse to the song...Jingle Bells. Yay. Oh what it is to ride? Hope I don't fall out :-D
Rachel said…
Bet you're getting excited about this afternoon! My daughter and I are hoping to come. Just waiting to see what the weather does. If we don't end up making it, hope it all goes well and I'll order your book from your website. Looking forward to your blog tour too.

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