PiBoIdMo Challenge

About PiBoIdMo

PiBoIdMo, or Picture Book Ideas Month, is picture book authors’ answer to NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month.  PiBoIdMo is the brainchild of Tara Lazar who created it as a 30 day challenge for picture book writers who seemingly miss out on all the fun of NaNoWriMo.  The challenge is to create 30 picture book ideas in 30 days.  The ideas need not be entire manuscripts, but could include a title, a name of a character, or a silly idea on which to base a picture book.
To participate in PiBoIdMo, simply click HERE to find out more.  Registration  started on October 24, 2013 and is open through the first week of November.

It is no secret that I firmly believe picture books are one of the great elixirs of life. An art form like no other. I adore them and love writing them. I have chosen to participate, along with a number of friends, in hope of harnessing those ideas which until now are either lying ignored in various notebooks or else flitting around haphazardly in my mind searching for a way out. This is a brilliant incentive to gather them up, tie them down and create a little magic with them.

The PiBoIdMo Blog Hop

As a participant I am also taking part in the PiBoIdMo Blog Hop.  The idea is to answer 4 questions about writing, and then tag more children’s writers to take part.    I’ve been tagged by aspiring, and inspiring, children’s author Sam Sochacka.  Sam can not only fix things, write things, photograph things and illuminate the room in which she appears, she's also pivotal in her various roles within the Kids Lit industry.  Check out her blog HERE.


What am I currently working on?

I was fortunate to win a grant from the CAL Creative Industries Career Fund this year so am currently using it to work on a picture book project along with mentor Dee White. It's attracted a bit of acclaim in various competitions but I'm anxious to develop it into something more substantial and of course share it with the world. It is currently undergoing a major re-haul, something I'm finding both immensely challenging and simultaneously gratifying.

How does it differ from other works in the genre?

I pen quite a few short stories which normally appear in anthologies and school magazines. I love writing shorts for kids; for the discipline and to clear my mind of ideas that need instant exposure on paper. For me, a picture book takes considerably more time to get right. I'd also like to work more on my chapter books in waiting but the picture book is calling out to me. Many people are under the illusion that because they contain so few words, picture books are a snap to write. This couldn't be further from the truth. I sometimes wish I had the luxury of extended word counts...I tend to be a bit of a waffler.

Why do I write what I do?

I write in my diaryto release a need to record and share moments, memories and emotions internally with myself. I write for children (pretty much exclusively) because I have an unrelenting desire to provide the same kind of inexplicable magic I experienced from getting lost in stories as a child. Books and the wisdoms and whimsies found within them were and still are one of life's greatest discoveries for me. I also recently realised what pleasure I get from re-living my childhood as I write for kids. I don't know many non-writing adults who spend as much time lingering in their younger past lives as kids' authors do. It's utterly fascinating and so much fun.

What is the hardest thing about writing?

I suffer from the usual lament: Time. Not enough of it. Getting the timing wrong in terms of submitting a manuscript idea before the rest of the world does first. And finding the right time and place and frame of mind to let the words flow. Writing is not really that hard. Writing something worthwhile and wondrous is more exacting.  


I believe the Queensland writing scene is one of the most supportive and vibrant in the land but I have cast my net further interstate and snagged and tagged this talented collection of authors (and illustrators).
Nicky Johnston
Nicky Johnston is the author and illustrator of children’s books. She is a mum to four boys, an educator and public speaker. Nicky is passionate about raising awareness of mental health issues in children, focusing on building self-esteem and resilience skills to help kids manage life’s ups and downs. Her first book Go Away, Mr Worrythoughts! has been adapted into a theatrical production that is in its third year of touring primary schools. The production was recently awarded a SILVER AWARD at the national Mental Health Services Achievement Awards. Her latest book is called Actually, I Can and was launched in August this year .
Learn more about Nicky at her site, www. nickyjohnston.com.au 

Christina Booth

Christina Booth is an award winning children' author and illustrator working from her bush garden studio in Tasmania, Australia.With over sixteen books for children published Christina is best known for her story of Purinina, a Tasmanian Devil (Purinina, A Devil's Tale, Lothian 2007) and Kip, the story of a crowing rooster who disturbs his neighbours. (Kip, Windy Hollow Books, 2009).

Her work includes illustrations for many great authors including Max Fatchen, Christobel Mattingley, Jackie French, Colin Thiele and Meredith Costain. Her latest books include Welcome Home (Ford Street Publishing, 2013), Blossom Possum and the Christmas Quacker (Gina Newton, Scholastic, 2013),  and I Wish There Were Dinosaurs (Amanda Niland, Windy Hollow Books, 2012).

Christina can be visited at her website, www.christinabooth.com for an invitation into her life of writing and illustrating.

Kelly McDonald

Kelly is a storyteller/magician who has been weaving tales for the past 16years and sharing them with children at schools, kinders and parties as the Magical Faerie Crystall. She is also an award winning artist and hopes to combine her crafts into a real published book one day soon! www.gardenbabyfaeries.webs.com


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