It's Never Too Late - Bag Yourself a Book for Christmas

I spend an awful lot of time banging on about all the brilliant books available for kids by other people. Well, it so happens, I have penned one or two worthy reads myself and in case you've been chained up in a chest in Hogwarts and have missed my many new releases, here's a recap.
ALL the titles listed below are available now for Christmas or Easter or your child's next birthday or ... well you don't need an occasion to enjoy a great read now, do you? Here are my top Dimity Powell recommendations conveniently grouped for you by theme and age. (Either one or two of my short stories appear in each of the anthologies listed below).

Fantasy / Christmas  
  • PS Who Stole Santa's Mail? - junior novel Christmas themed urban fantasy for 7 - 10 years  A SEASONAL FAVOURITE
  • Magic Day - fantasy themed anthology for readers 7 - 12 years NEW RELEASE
  • The Toy Chest - toy themed anthology collection for younger readers 4 - 10 years NEW RELEASE
  • Lodestone: A Magnetic Journey - YA anthology spanning time suits readers 13+ years
Loss / Emotions / Family / Relationships / School life
  • The Fix-It Man - picture book 5 - 8 years
  • Zoo-thology - Animal themed anthology collection of short stories
  • Charms Trilogy - Three Volume set anthology for ages 4 - 14 years
  • Ssstories - Eclectic anthology for children 7 - 12 years NEW RELEASE
  • Lucky Draw - multi genre anthology of short stories for readers 7 - 10 years
  • Short and Twisted 2017 - anthology for older readers NEW RELEASE
  • Short and Twisted 2015 & 2013 -anthology for older readers
  • Keepsakes - anthology for older readers following several generations
  •  Zoo-thology - Animal themed anthology collection of short stories
  • Magic Day - fantasy themed anthology for readers 7 - 12 years NEW RELEASE
 For more details and prices on each of these titles, please visit my website.

Can't fit another book in your Christmas Stocking? Why not consider one of these Excellent Extras.

The Fix-It Man Tee Shirts - kids' sizes available - models not included 😜 - $20.00

You could look this stunning in your favourite picture book

The Fix-It Man Mugs - various designs available - $10.00
Choose from the designs below
Cover Title

Panoramic wrap

I'm just a click away from connecting you and your children to their next great story experience. Get in touch, soon. I'd love to give Santa an excuse to find a bigger sack.



Norah said…
Congratulations, Dimity. What a wonderful list of publications. You must feel very proud, and rightfully so, of your achievement. There are many titles for me to become familiar with.
Happy Christmas! Happy reading! Happy writing!
DimbutNice said…
Thank you so much lovely lady. You are the real blogging, book share powerhouse.Thank YOU for all your wonderful, insightful posts over this past year, also. Can't wait to share more words and stories with you. x
Sandy Fussell said…
Wow, you have been so productive. It's really inspiring. Plus, I just love The Fix-It Man. One of my favourites for 2017.
DimbutNice said…
Thanks Sandy and gosh, I am so very very touched to know TFIM is a favourite of yours. That means much to me. xxx

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