Books with Heart - Highlights from Holyrood Lane and EK Books
Risk taking is never easy to contemplate let alone actuate. EK Books have done so with me on more than one occasion. When publisher, Anouska Jones first approached me to publish one of my stories, the then fledging The Fix-It Man, I could hardly believe it. My story about grief and loss had ticked all of EK Books' boxes.

Several years on, EK Books has blossomed from a handful of titles to the impressive children's imprint of  Exisle Publishing stabling titles by well-known creators and rising new talent that expound the premise 'books with heart on issues that matter'.

Fortunately for me, domestic violence is an issue that matters very much to them.
Today I want to shout out my eternal gratitude to Anouska and the entire EK Books team for being foresighted and bold enough to not only take on this delicate subject but for embracing Flick's story with as much enthusiasm and determination as I.

As Holyrood Lane's illustrator, Nicky Johnston and I will attest, they are a pure joy to work with.
Thank you EK Books!

Come back soon - it's almost publication day! 


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