July School Holidays Young Writers Workshop: Keep it Short!

Short stories. I've been writing them since I first dunked a toe in this business of writing for children. In fact, one of my first ever publications was a short story, An Eggspensive Venture, that appeared in the Blast Off NSW School Magazine back in 2009. I was pretty chuffed to say the least. And the thing that kept me writing them? The enticement of competitions and the myriad of themes to write about.

The experience of entering my short stories in so many comps and awards (and even winning a few) and being commissioned to write them for magazines and anthologies not only kept my creative juices bubbling away, it also taught me volumes about submission guidelines and working to deadlines; not to mention what it takes to make a story compelling enough and succinct enough to  fill up the time it takes to suck a mugful of hot chocolate through a Tim Tam.

If you are or know a young person who loves making words sing (or Tim Tams) and needs help composing them into pithy short stories, please read on.

Books Links QLD are running a school holiday writing workshop aimed at sharpening your short story writing skills. The best part is - I'll be presenting it!

Saturday 13 July - 10:00 am -1.00 pm. | $10 Book Links members, $15 general admission

The workshop, Keep It Short!, runs throughout the morning and covers the rudimentary building blocks of good story writing with an emphasis on the elements that are important in short stories. By the end of the session, scribes will have the bones of a ripping story, one which they can later enter into the Story Links short story competition for young writers. How cool is that!

Bookings are open now. Visit the Book Links site to register and book.

Best for: 9 - 13-year-olds.

Venue: Room 1B, State Library of Queensland, Cultural Precinct, Stanley Place, South Brisbane, QLD 4101

Contact Details: Jenny Stubbs info@booklinks.org.au 0409 266 786


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