When The Road Gets Rocky, Look For The Sparkles - Winning the SCBWI Crystal Kite Award

I've tootled on about winning the 2019 SCBWI Crystal Kite Award before so won't bore you with details of emotion gone wild. Sufficed to say, it's truly humbling to the point of mortification - I really don't know how to articulate my gratitude eloquently enough anymore. THANK YOU is just two little words that must shoulder so much meaning.

As part of the spectacularly successful inaugural SCBWI QLD Story Craft State Conference held last weekend, members of my dear SCWBI family presented me with the sparkly trophy that comes with an accolade like this, an actual crystal kite no less!

So pretty

It is a thing of glittery beauty. Rainbows of light dance from its many faces reminding me of the little girl who dances with rainbows at the end of Holyrood Lane, the namesake and reason this book was chosen above all brilliant others to win this award for the Australia NZ region. Without Flick and her story, a story that sadly mirrors so many other young people and their families, there would be no cause for this recognition.

I sincerely hope winning the Crystal Kite Award awakens even more awareness for books like At The End of Holyrood Lane so that young victims of abuse find the support, recognition and acknowlegement that their situations demand. I can't imagine it will be a quick fix but I hope - I feel - we are headed in the right direction.

I share this award with the people who helped breathe life into Flick and Uni and this book: Nicky Johnston, EK Books, Susanne Gervay and of course all those who have bought it, championed it,  shed tears over it with me and of course voted for it. For this, I THANK YOU ALL.

And now for some sparkly pics of the most fanzzeee thing in my pool room to date...

The Crystal Kite Members' Choice Award 2019 Australia NZ

Taking a moment to reflect and feel grateful

The white-gloved presentation of said trophy by the equally as dazzling, Susanne Gervay, SCBWI Regional Adviser Aus NZ

Wouldn't be right not to respond with a few words or so...hee hee 

Dimity, Susanne and Uni - At The End of Holyrood Lane - winners

Uni and the Crystal Kite (flowers courtesy of Penelope Pratley)


Alison Stegert said…
Hi Dimity,
Congratulations on your beautiful book's award. I couldn't be happier for you.
DimbutNice said…
Thank you so much, Ali. I am touched by your eternal support. It means more than you know. Dimity xx
Tania Cox said…
Huge congrats Dimity! xx

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