Clever Kookie!

Does anyone remember the old Jinty, Penny, and Misty Annuals? They ran from the mid 70s until around 1986. These collections of comic print strips, stories, recipes and profile features used to entertain and mystify me as a young teen for months and months. I still have my original copies, yellowed and redolent of a childhood faded by not forgotten.

Last year I was super lucky to be recommended to contribute to the Kookie magazine. My short story, Perfect Prue a perfect fit for their mandate of supplying young pre-teen girls with a rounded and optimistic sense of who they are and what they could become. It featured in Issue 6 in March 2019.

Illustration from Perfect Prue by Emma Reynolds

Since receiving my own precious copies and experiencing first hand the countless stimulating, educational and entertaining articles and activities stashed within its 100% ad-free pages, I have been a massive fan; my thirst for eclectic bright, sassy yet meaningful content reignited.

I recommend Kookie magazine with all my heart not just because it is ever so reminiscent of those classic annuals but because it so satisfyingly sates the reading and learning appetites of tweens and new teens in a non-derisive, authentic way.

Packed full of 'good stuff' from interviews, reviews, debates, stories, comic strips, quizzes, puzzles, recipes and competitions, Kookie is designed to punch visually and connect intellectually and emotionally. I just love it. And now so can you.

Click on the image to visit the Kookie website for more details

Owing to the current global upheaval, Kookie have extended their fabulous Spring subscription offer until the end of 2020! Please note, I do not receive anything from Kookie for waxing lyrical about its many attributes, I merely believe it would make an excellent addition to your pre-teen's bedside reading. Especially at a time when they might be looking for more ways to provoke thought and evoke action.

Kookie is all that - 100% EMPOWERMENT!

Ideal for 7 - 12+ years
And Jinty tragics like me!


Norah Colvin said…
I've been reading about this magazine for a while, Dimity, maybe since you had your story published last year. :) It sounds wonderful and would be perfect for my granddaughter who is in the same age group. Would there be anything similar for boys that I could get for my grandson who is 10? I can't get for one and not the other.
DimbutNice said…
Hmm, Norah, I'm not 100% certain if there is a dedicated Kookie equivalent for boys but I'll investigate for you! What I do know that although it is mostly target towards a female audience, many young lads that age do read it as well! :-)
Norah Colvin said…
Okay. Thanks, Dimity. That's good to know. Perhaps I shouldn't put off getting it for my granddaughter any longer. :)
DimbutNice said…
Always a pleasure! I have enlisted the help of Kookie's editor to help track down other suitable magazines for your grandson, but yes, I'd get in touch with them soon and don't forget to ask about the subscription discount!! What a superb Easter gift this would make. :-D
Norah Colvin said…
Thank you, Dimity. I'm onto it. :) Best wishes.
DimbutNice said…
:-D yay! And to you, Norah!!
Norah Colvin said…
Done! Thank you. :)

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