Good Fun Friday - Puppet Making!

For practically every single one of us, this Easter will be some sort of departure from the norm.

We are normally on the road somewhere, camping in the Kombi with the pooches - together. Or else we'd be spending long lazy days on the bank of a river fishing with mates - together. Often this special weekend is spent hosting a colossal barbie with family - together. It's a time for rebirth and celebration. This year, of course, will be slightly different.

Crazy as it sounds, my little family pod are not entirely sure what to do with themselves or each other away from the usual external stimuli. I suspect many others are experiencing this odd 'What now?' sensation on some level, too. One thing is for certain, it's a fantastic time to reconnect, reinvigorate old family fun rituals, invent new ones and...drag out the camping games for lounge room use.

Before you get suckered into a five hour Monopoly marathon though, why not continue to explore the plethora of kids' entertainment offered on line by book-loving buddies like myself. Here's one of my humble offerings -

Now there's no need to feel caged in and bored senseless. Make your own flying bird puppet and take off into your imagination!

Because 'birds are like ideas, they can never be stopped' This is My Song by Richard Yaxley

Pippa and I would LOVE to hear or see how you go, so send us a video or picture of your puppet in action once you've made it. I promise to try and feature them here on my blog if you do!

So what are you waiting for? Take off this Easter and make it as wonderful, colourful and memorable as ever.

Happy Easter everyone!


Norah Colvin said…
What a fun activity. Now children can make their very own Pippa. Thanks, Dimity.

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