ABC Radio New England: School Holiday Reading Recommendations

It would take me approximately the equivalent of six school holiday periods to get through every recommended reading title. There is simply an ocean of brilliant titles bobbing around at the moment or soon to be released. It's often the last thing you read that resounds most loudly in your head, so with that resolutely in mind, I refrained from 'going overboard' with Kristy Reading as she probed me for a list of children's books that will entertain both kids and their parents these holidays.

Click on the image below to listen to the ones featured on Monday 29 June 2020 for ABC New England NorthWest radio's breakfast show: Morning Book Club with Kristy Reading. 

Scroll forward to the 2 hour 50 minute mark to hear my segment or grab a comforting beverage and settle back to enjoy the whole show!

Monday Morning Book Club chat with Kristy Reading 29 June 2020

Here's the not-quite-full list (not full because there are a zillion other great titles to enjoy of course!). But hopefully this handful of fairly recent releases, several of which I've reviewed or will feature soon on DIM'S re VIEWS, will give you a decent overview of some of the best ways to keep kids in between the (book) covers regardless of their reading ability and preferences.

Picture Books 

o Pippa by Dimity Powell and Andrew Plant (Ford Street Publishing)

o Bin Chicken by Kate and Jol Temple and Ronojoy Ghosh (Scholastic)  - review coming soon!

o Bluey Series for little ones

o Ribbit Rabbit Robot by Victoria McKinlay and Sofya Karmazina (Omnibus Books)

o Forever or a Day by Sarah Jacoby (Chronicle Books)

o Azaria: A True History by Maree Coote (Melbourne Style Books)

o Puffin Little Series The Solar System , Snacks, Composting (Non Fiction)

o Scientists Who Changed the World series by Anita Croy (EK Books) (Non Fiction)

Junior Fiction

o Hattie by Frida Nilsson and Stina Wirsen (Gecko Press)

o League of Llamas series by Aleesah Darlison (Puffin)

o Fartboy series by Adam Wallace and James Hart (Scholastic)

o Weirdo and Hot Dog series by Ahn Doh – cartoon style series , illustrated fiction

Middle Grade Fiction

o Vincent and the Grandest Hotel on Earth by Lisa Nicol (Penguin Random House)

o The Monster Who Wasn’t
by T C Shelly (Bloomsbury) - review coming soon!

o Beyond Belief by Dee White (Scholastic)

o Pie in the Sky by Remy Lai (Walker Books) graphic novel hybrid

o Secrets of a Schoolyard Millionnaire by Nat Amoore(Puffin) (Power of Positive Thinking)

Young Adult

o I Am Change by Suzi Zail (Walker Books)

o The Tell by Martin Chatterton (Penguin Random House)

o Shooting Stars by Brian Falkner (Scholastic) - review coming soon!

For more reviews and recommendations pop back again. If you need a daily dose of kids' lit visit Kids' Book Review, where you'll find honest reviews on astounding titles, interviews and giveaway opportunities galore!


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