Letting Go
Are you the type who can't thin out vegetable seedlings because you believe if they took the trouble to germinate, they should all be given the chance to grow? LET GO. Does your garden look like an Amazon rainforest because you can't bear to get out the hedge clippers? LET GO. Do you possess more meaningless, random five-year old art work than you actually have five year olds because you won't throw anything out? LET GO. Do you hang onto ill feelings long after an altercation just in case you need them again for round two? LET GO. As a writer, are you reluctant to edit your own work, because they employ people to do that sort of thing for you anyway don't they, and any self-respecting editor will be able to see how much blood, sweat and tears each word took to produce therefore earning its place in your convoluted story? LET GO. An oft hackneyed term that is easier said than done. Perhaps, as writers, we have to deal with the id...